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"Very inspirational course.  It made me re-think and re-tune  how we support social and dramatic play in our setting."

Nursery Manager, West Sussex

 To submit a client survey click here

Child Playing
Karen Dennison, Work Force Development, School Effectiveness
West Sussex County Council 


"We have commissioned Tamsin to deliver a range of Early Years courses, keynotes and workshops at our conference and bespoke webinars. Tamsin is flexible in her approach, always willing to give things a go and has supported our offer to early years settings brilliantly. Her keynotes and training sessions have always evaluated really well which is why we ask her back year after year. Tamsin brings not only a wealth of experience to her sessions but she uses fun and interactive ways to engage practitioners so they leave feeling inspired and motivated to make a difference to their practice working with children'." 

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best start croydon.jpg
Georgie at Little Explorers Nursery Hythe
Online training 'Positive Behaviour Management' 2021 

"Tamsin ran an online training session for us on Positive Behaviour Management. We were amazed with how interactive the session was. The majority of our staff team of 20 were able to discuss their ideas during the session. Documents were shared and interactive programmes used. Tamsin was able to clearly explain to staff how to use these. Our staff have responded really well to the training. Tamsin's ideas and explanations for different types of behaviours really made a difference and staff have adapted their practice already. We would really recommend this training, for anyone wondering if online training is successful, this session absolutely was.'." 

Leadership & Management Training Nov 18
Commissioned by Wandsworth Council

"Very inspiring and rich, I will be able to use many of the topics covered. More capable of dealing with complex situations in my work place, especially with my team. I feel more aware of my strengths and areas to be improved. It helped me to understand more about my leadership style and areas to be developed."

"Fantastic course. Anne was amazing. Please get her to do more courses. Will be able to improve my leadership skills & offer more support to peers. Amazing information. Lots to take back. More manager / leadership courses please."

"Excellent teaching style!  We had to search further answers + make the course work for us.  Very personal, very worthwhile! More conscious leader. Widened my networks. Able to influence. Managers roles are lonely/difficult, time to reflect + think is vital."


"…the course was brilliant. It was just what I have needed for the last five years……… I had never had any kind of management training. I would definitely recommend it. Annie tailored it to our needs for the second session so I really left feeling more confident and more realistic!’"

Karen Dennison, Team Manager, Children First, West Sussex County Council 
Pedagogical Leadership Webinar July 2020 

"Thank you for the webinar.  It was really well presented and it was enjoyable to be part of.  The pace was good, as was the use of different ways to keep the group engaged.  I think people will have left the training having had a really positive discussion which has challenged their thinking and inspired them to go on and find out more and reflect on their practice." 

Kid Playing with Bubble
April Alderton, Manager
Whytebeams Nursery

"Linden Learning have delivered tailor made training for our team and this has had a direct impact on our practice.  We believe Kay has helped us obtain our outstanding Ofsted rating by keeping us up to date with current inspection framework and delivering the training we need to exceed it.  Kay gives great advice to us as individuals and also helps us work more effectively as a team."

Ruth Matthews, Nursery Assistant
Alton College Nursery 

"Thank you, Tamsin, for a really good training day.  The day went quickly and in a ‘good’ way!  Tamsin presented in an interesting way with a good balance of listening, discussion and video clips.” 

(Early Years - Social & dramatic play, Training course Hampshire 2018)

Playing with Masks
Karen Dennison, Team manager, Practice Improvement, Business Support & Performance - Early Help, West Sussex County Counci
Pedagogical Leadership - online training, November 2020 

"I just wanted to say thank you for the online training .  It was really well presented and it was enjoyable to be part of.  The pace was good and you used different ways to keep the group engaged.  The participants seemed to participate well too throughout the session.  I think people will have left the session having had a really positive discussion which has challenged their thinking and inspired them to go on and find out more and reflect on their practice." 

Brain Development and the under 3's Training 
March 2018

"Firstly, Tamsin is great – She is very warm and knowledgeable – her manner and facial expressions really bring the course alive. She is super!  The aims of the course were completely met and it is a very good in-depth course, very informative."  


"I will recommend this course to every parent and people in my setting because it is very informative."

"The handouts and the experience of the trainer made the subject easy to learn.  I will be able to use what I have learned with families who need prompting to play and understand why they need to play.  The course has explained it in a simple use of words which is easy to understand."

"I have a very good understanding now, about how children’s brains work.  It will help me to understand children’s behaviour and learning better now."


"Gave Useful information in an enjoyable environment."

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